DATE : 18-04-16 13:58
VIEW : 578  

Nowadays, more and more young people are interested to study in foreign countries and they have different reasons. 
Some wants a better quality of education, some wants to have a better opportunities for future career, and 
learn about different cultures and languages.

Rimi wants these as much as possible and enjoy it as well. 

She took up an IELTS course to prepare her for better opportunities that she's anticipating in the near future. 

IELTS is the most widely accepted English language test that uses a one-on-one speaking test to assess your English communication skills.

Rimi discovered that studying abroad also can be seen as 
adventurous experiences as young people can see the world, 
meet people from different countries and learn different 
languages and culture. 

Just like Rimi may you uncover and discover the beauty of studying English!